Thursday, January 14, 2010

LOVE in my understanding

Love the wonderful feeling of life.

Yes it is “love makes life heaven”.

It’s just not all about getting emotionally attached with someone.

Actually is the healthiest state of mind, where u start loving yourself, and start seeing things in a very different positive manner and this is how same thing around you become heaven

This is the time when people start finding excitement with in every moment, and start exploring many positive things with in them.

That is something what well described as spiritualism.

See how wonderful feeling is this that in your own subconscious mind u becomes so conscious for yourself and start loving and caring yourself.

I found some very interesting words about loving yourself.

it is not possible to love anyone until you have learnt to love yourself.

There is no harm in loving yourself actually it is being aware of yourself. It is noticeable that when you are unwell it becomes so difficult to think beyond your discomfort to the well being of anybody else. When you are depressed, you just cannot take participate in another’s happiness.

Love yourself so that you become capable of loving other. Keep yourself in good health and safe so that you can keep others too.”